Goblins: Nasty, Vindictive, Greedy Creatures

Learn with us all about Goblins. Mythical small creatures with many facets that hide a lot of popular legends.


What are Goblins?

Goblins are mischievous and usually very nasty, vindictive and greedy creatures whose main purpose is to cause trouble for mankind; this is the most common type according to European folklore. There is a smaller population of goblins, however, that possess a gentler, or more neutral, temperament.

Regardless of type, however, all goblins are rumored to have various kinds of special abilities, often of a magical nature. Some goblins possess more fairy-like powers, similar to those of a witch or warlock; other types of goblins have more demonic abilities, only they use their magic to do harm.


Many people associate the goblin with trolls, as they have an undesirable appearance and are not the most benevolent of creatures. However, unlike trolls who are said to reside under bridges and in forests, the goblin typically makes a home for itself in the mountains, just waiting for an opportunity (usually deep in the night) to snatch high-value items such as gold and jewels.

The origin of the goblins

Goblins originated in the 14th century and are most prevalent in northwestern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles and the United States. The name “Goblin” is said to derive from the old French spelling “gobelin”. However, it is also rumored to have German, Greek and Latin roots with a general negative connotation (“gobelin” was the name of a devil or demon that roamed the Normandy country). Goblins were first popularized in tales of the Middle Ages.

where are goblins found?

These creatures are generally found scattered throughout the most foreboding mountains and deep within the darkest mines, there are some of the most malicious, dangerous and evil creatures known to folklore, just waiting for an opportunity to steal your most prized possessions. The goblin roams the Earth in a variety of different forms and statues, and is not exactly what you would call a human’s best friend.


Different types of goblins

The appearance of a leprechaun varies dramatically depending on their country of origin, although most types of Goblins are known for having rather unruly hair and green-colored skin. What many people don’t know is that there are actually 10 different types of Goblins; these types are often referred to as “sub-races” and each sub-race will have a different appearance and set of abilities.

When most people think of a goblin, what they are picturing is usually the type known as a Trow or a Kobold. Trow have the ability to transform into a human-like form; however, they are usually small in stature with an “ugly” appearance.



Kobolds are more like the stereotypical goblin, looking similar to the house familiar known as “Dobby” in the Harry Potter series. Some of the more malevolent types tend to be known as goblins.


The Hobgoblins are known for their dark, shaggy hair and are most closely related to the mythical creatures known as brownies; they mean no harm and are widely known for their practical jokes. Hobgoblins also tend to have better relationships with humans.

The “Knocker”

The “Knocker” is very similar to the goblin, both in temperament and appearance; he takes up residence in a mine and often befriends the mine workers as long as they remain on his good side.


The Phooka is also similar to the goblin in its attitude, but takes the form of a dark black horse. Another black, albeit very small, sub-race of goblins is the Bogey; the Bogey is extremely difficult to kill due to its size.


The friendliest Goblin is known as the Hogboon; some say it doesn’t even look (or act) like a Goblin at all.


The Tengu is another sub-race that sometimes mimics the appearance of a Chinese dog-like demon, but more often takes the form of a bird. Buddhists respect tengus as guardian spirits despite their demonic nature.


The Kallikantzaro derives from Greek mythology and has a very long and thin appearance. Finally, we have the Kol’ksu: a type of goblin different from most others, as it resides in the sea and resembles a mermaid. Unlike a mermaid, however, the Kol’ksus are very dangerous and unpleasant.

Contemporary Fiction

We often see goblins and their relatives portrayed in a variety of settings in many types of modern fiction, including movies, television shows, and storybooks. Some of the most famous portrayals of goblins exist in movies such as the Harry Potter series.

In Harry Potter, these creatures are depicted as very stout and unattractive little monsters who run the famous wizarding bank, Gringotts. Goblins also appear in several popular video and card games, such as Final Fantasy, Magic: the Gathering, Warcraft and Runescape, among many others.

Related Creatures

Many mythical creatures resemble the appearance and nature of an elf. Just a few of these creatures are elves, fairies, gremlins, ogres, trolls, and gnomes. Gnomes are similar to elves in a variety of ways, most notably in their appearance: small and stocky, with pointed ears and often with a long, slender beard.


Many people know gnomes as the little ceramic statues that sit quietly in your garden, that is, until they mysteriously disappear. Gnomes, like Goblins, are known to be fond of pranks, and in fact are rumored to reside in subway dwellings, similar to many types of goblins.

Fairies are similar to goblins, mainly with respect to their magical and mythical nature; fairies have special abilities, as do goblins. Many people know the Gremlins as the mischievous and mischievous little creatures from the classic 1980s movie written by Chris Columbus.

Gremlins have a tendency to cause damage just for fun, specifically through dismantling machinery. Goblins are similar to gremlins in that they are also known to destroy things due to pure fun. Elves, like goblins, are often pranksters and possess a similar appearance, especially their pointed ears. Ogres and trolls have many similarities to each other, but also have many of the same attributes as a goblin: they are all hideous, unkind, and like to cause trouble.

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