Greek Eye

Greek Symbology 9 Mystical Symbols and Their Meanings

Let’s see today in Greek Symbology a total of 9 historical symbols that evoke legends and myths of this ancient culture. The ancient Greek mythology is full of symbols, many of which originated in antiquity. …

el dorado inca

Inca Gold Myths. 5 Golden Legends of Great Wealth

Today we are going to explain the most important Inca Gold Myths, legends that have played on mysticism and human greed. Although many of these Inca myths have no historical basis and may have been …

Inca Myths

10 Amazing Inca Myths You May Not Have Known About

Inca myths are composed of stories, violent, exotic and unique. Discover in this article all the stories that will surprise you. There is no doubt that the Inca myths are one of the most popular …