simbologia budista

Buddhist Symbology. 10 Buddhist Symbols and Their Meanings

We will review Buddhist Symbology and the 10 most popular Buddhist Symbols. We will explain their meanings and the legends surrounding them. Buddhist Symbology Throughout the centuries, mankind has used Buddhist symbolism to represent their …

maitreya buda

Maitreya. Buddha Of The Future, Discover the Myth and Legend

Know in detail who is Maitreya, this figure that represents the Buddha of the future with its representation and characteristics. Who is Maitreya? Maitreya, in the Buddhist tradition, is the future Buddha, currently a bodhisattva …

Buddha statue

10 Buddhist Gods. Know their sacred stories and myths

Let’s meet today the 10 most influential Buddhist Gods in this culture. All of them hide amazing stories and mysticism. Buddhist Gods Most Buddhist gods, according to mythology can be found in almost all Buddhist …

arquitectura budista

Buddhist Symbols: Physical Representations in Tibet

Let’s see in this article the representation of the Buddhist Symbols, where they are used and what are the origins of their meanings. Buddhist architecture Buddhist Symbols in the Tibetan Tradition Buddhism is a religion …