Meet the god Yama. Discover all his legends and powers, learn about his place in Hindu culture and his different facets. who is Yama? Yama, the god of death, who determines the justice that each …
Meet Sita with us. Possibly the most famous Celestial Goddess of the Hindu religion, discover her myths and legends. Who is Sita? Sita, the divine celestial goddess and wife of Lord Rama, is one of …
We show you the myths and legends of the god Murugan. See here what powers he represents and how you can seek his divine support. Muragan Indian God Murugan God of enemies and legal problems, …
Today we show you the origin and legends of Surya, the Hindu Sun God. Discover his most amazing stories and how he is worshiped. Surya, Hindu Sun God Surya God of the sun and the …
Meet with us Kali, the Hindu Goddess of Death, Time and Sexuality. Discover her origin and legends that accompany her. Goddess Kali Kali Goddess of death in Hindu. She is sometimes considered a strong mother-like …
Today we are going to meet Shiva, the Destroyer God In Hindu Mythology. We show you his Birth and the Legends that surround him. Shiva In Hindu Mythology Shiva, the destroyer god, is one of …
Today we introduce you to the Adityas, erected as Protector Gods of the Spiritual Beings, they offer us great legends. Adityas, Protector Gods Adityas protective gods of spiritual beings. In Hinduism, Âdityas (Sanskrit: आदित्य Ādityá, …
Discover the most important Hindu Gods. Surprise yourself with their myths, legends and find the legends that endure in history. Hindu Gods Among the most important Hindu gods are the Holy Triad of Brahma, Vishnu …
Know in detail who is Maitreya, this figure that represents the Buddha of the future with its representation and characteristics. Who is Maitreya? Maitreya, in the Buddhist tradition, is the future Buddha, currently a bodhisattva …
Let’s meet today the 10 most influential Buddhist Gods in this culture. All of them hide amazing stories and mysticism. Buddhist Gods Most Buddhist gods, according to mythology can be found in almost all Buddhist …