Gods And Heroes Of Finnish Mythology +29 LEgends

Finnish mythology has its own gods. As well as other mythical figures such as heroes and legendary spirits


Finnish Mythology

Finnish mythology is full of myths and legends that describe the beliefs of the Finnish people that existed before the arrival of Christianity.

There are many gods that belong to the Nordic mythology that encompasses all the Nordic, Baltic and Germanic countries. However, Finnish mythology has its own gods.

As well as other mythical figures such as heroes and spirits, all the gods of Finnish mythology are present in “the kalevala”. Until the beginning of the 19th century, Finnish mythology has managed to survive in various aspects thanks to its traditions of mystical songs and folklore.

Gods of Finnish mythology

  • Akras: is the god of fertility. He protects all vegetables, but especially turnips.
  • Jumala: in Finnish mythology, he was the supreme deity creator of the world. His name means “God”, and was later used to refer to the God of Christianity.
  • Kave: at first he was seen as the god of the sky; but he was actually named as the god of the lunar cycle.
  • Kotitontlu: god protector of homes.
  • Anti: also called Atho; he is the god of the deep. He inhabits lakes, rivers and seas. He provides fish for mankind.


  • Kuu: god of the moon.
  • Mielikki: goddess protector of the forests.
  • Pekko: also known as Pellon Pekko; he is the god protector of crops. Especially of barley, for this reason he is also called the god of beer.
  • Paivatar: her name comes from the word “paiva” which means “day”; hence the name she receives as goddess of the day.
  • Rahko: this god is mainly from the Karelia area. She is the deity in charge of chronological time.
  • Nyyrikki: goddess of the hunt.


  • Tapio: plays an important role in Finnish mythology, and is the god of forests.
  • Tellervo: she is the daughter of the gods Mielikki and Tapio. Therefore she is also goddess of the forests.
  • Turisas: there is a belief that this is not really a Finnish god, but rather derived from the Norse god Tyr. God of war.
  • Ukko: is the main deity in Finnish mythology, and is the main god of the book of kalevala. He is the lord of thunder and the sky; he is related to the Norse gods Thor and Zeus.
  • Vellamo: is the goddess protector of lakes and seas. She is also associated as the creator of storms.
  • Vendemo: especially from the Karelian area, she is the goddess of waters. She was also called “mother of the waters”.
  • Pellervo: also known as Sampsa Pellervoinen; he is the god of the harvest.

Kallela Kullervos Curse - gods finnish mythology

Heroes of Finnish mythology


Also called ahti saarelainen or kaukomieli; his name is related to the word “lover”. He was the most feared hero of Finnish mythology. Everyone feared him greatly, but Leminkainen feared nothing and no one. His greatest feat was trying to destroy the god of death, the Cyclops Tuoni.



He was a giant hero who was called “male son of kaleva”, he could mow entire meadows and forests. In many legends of Finnish mythology he is described with a great physical similarity to the national epic hero of Estonia “Kalevipoeg”.

Kalevanponka - gods finnish mythology


He is the most prominent character in Finnish mythology and is the main protagonist of the kalevala. He is described as a wise old man, who has magical powers over music and songs. He plays a fundamental role in the creation of the Finnish world.

Väinämöisen - gods finnish mythology

Spirits of Finnish mythology

  • Ajatar: also called ajattara; it is an evil spirit or demon that dwells in the forests.
  • Akka: is the spirit of a very old woman; it is even related to Ukko as her female counterpart.
  • Ilmatar: is a female spirit representing air and creativity; she is believed to have been the mother of the hero Väinämöinen.
  • Ilmarinen: was a great blacksmith, represents the masculine spirit of air.
  • Lempo: fertility spirit.
  • Luonnotar: is a spirit representing nature, and was the female creator.
  • Menninkäinen: named after a gnome, magical spirit that roams the forests.
  • Näkki: described as having a physical appearance similar to the “Greek nix”. It is a very feared spirit that dwells in lakes and wells, sometimes under bridges.
  • Otso: represents the spirit of the bear.
  • Piru: this is the name given to a spirit that is really an evil demon.


The gods of Finnish mythology, are characters that relate to nature, the creation of the world and influence humanity significantly. It also presents heroes who did unimaginable feats that affected mankind; and evil and benign spirits that protect life and creation.

Despite the great influence brought by Christianity and its struggle to root the Finnish gods in their religion, beliefs in different deities have survived and although they do not have their original function, they have mutated to represent other powers for the Finns.

Among the gods that most survived the passage of time, we have Ukko who went from being a nature spirit to be the father of the heavens, the god of creation. And so many other gods, heroes and spirits that today are a fundamental part of the kalevala.

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