Ghosts: Ancestor Worship In Ancient Cultures and Mythology

,Learn with us all about Ghosts. How they are created, most known types and what motivates them to continue among us without leaving.


What are Ghosts?

Ghosts have existed for thousands of years and are believed to predate modern humans. This is often evidenced by the ancestor worship of many ancient and pre-literate cultures – many of whom believed that their ancestors had the power to help them from beyond the grave.

Many anthropologists believe that the primitive idea of ghosts developed when it was determined that human beings must have a “spirit” in addition to a physical body. Ancient cultures believed that this form of spirit – which supposedly makes us human – is confined to our physical body during life, but could sometimes become visible through our breath.


This was often evidenced as a fact because of the way warm breath interacts with cold air. In fact, the word `spirit comes from the Latin word `spirit’ meaning `breath’ or `explosion’. The word `ghost’, however, has a very different origin. It comes from the word ‘ghoisdo-s’ and means ‘fury’ or ‘rage’.

This is very revealing of ancient perceptions of ghosts. While ‘ghost’ is commonly used interchangeably with the word ‘spirit’, it is much more likely to be used to describe a distressed or malevolent apparition.

what creates a ghost?

Ghosts are believed to be the result of many causes, depending on geographic location and culture. However, the most common basis for all ghost-related beliefs is that when the human body dies, the spirit lives on. Cultures with religious or spiritual roots often believe that a ghost is created when a spirit is unable to find the peace needed to pass on to the afterlife or when evil nature has corrupted the spirit.

How to prevent a spirit from becoming a ghost

There are many things that are done to ensure that this does not happen. The most common practice observed around the world is to give burial rites to the dead to help them move peacefully into the other world. This is done in part because it was thought that spirits that were not properly mourned would become angry and remain in this world to haunt the living. Some ghosts will not rest until they have haunted-or even harmed-those who harmed them during their lifetime.


There are many stories of ghosts who haunted their killers until they were caught or sufficiently punished. However, there are also stories of ghosts who will haunt people they perceive as evil or similar to the people they hated during their lifetime. These ghosts often become the basis for urban legends that are passed down from generation to generation. They tend to be the most violent types of ghosts, but supposedly there are ways to deal with them or to make sure they will not harm you.

Nature of ghosts

Although many ghosts are believed to be malevolent in nature, there are cultures that believe ghosts can be helpful or even friendly. These ghosts are frequently brought back from their quiet resting place because they sense that someone they know or are related to is in imminent danger.

There are some cases where ghosts who perished because of a dangerous place or person return to try to give a warning when they feel another person may fall victim to their fate. There are also cultures that believe that the dead return to walk among the living during a certain part of the year. They welcome the spirits of the dead, whom they consider benevolent, and offer them many gifts in the hope that they will be rewarded by the spirits of their ancestors.

Physical appearance of ghosts

It is widely believed that ghosts are composed of a thick substance that is similar to fog. Many anthropologists believe this stems from the beliefs of ancient cultures. Ancient cultures believed that a person consisted of a physical body and a spiritual body. As well as zombies or the misnamed undead, which are part of a wide range of mythological beings.


The spiritual body was confined to the physical body during life, but could sometimes be seen when a person breathed in cold areas. The fog that is caused by a person’s breath in cold weather is very similar to our ideas of what comprises a ghost today. This causing many to believe that this is why we believe ghosts are airy.


Others resort to more scientific reasoning when trying to determine the composition of a ghost. These people often point to ectoplasm as the source of ghostly appearances. Ectoplasm is believed to be a visceral jelly-like substance that is somehow manufactured by both ghosts and psychics.

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