Let’s meet today Apollo the Sun God of Knowledge. Discover with us his most popular legends and myths in Greek culture.
Apollo. God of the Sun
Apollo God of the sun, poetry, art, archery, plague, light, knowledge and music; he was god of many things, making him one of the most important gods in Greek mythology. This God was born on the island of Delos and had a twin sister named Artemis. He was also an oracle god and patron of Delphi.
He was a wise god and his myths describe him as a cheerful individual. This God could also become jealous when provoked. He believed in the power of law and order and wanted the Greek people to be happy and peaceful. It is safe to say that Apollo was a favorite god. His myths were also adapted by the Romans, where he once again proved to be a favorite of the people.
Origins of Apollo
Although he would eventually become one of the most revered gods in Greek mythology, his origins go back outside of Greece. History shows that cults in Asia were the first to worship Apollo and it is speculated that his first role was actually as a protector of shepherds. The Greeks would not be the last to worship Apollo. After being conquered by the Romans, most of the Greek gods were adopted by the Romans. Their names were often changed, but their myths and symbolism remained the same. Apollo had the same name in Roman mythology, but his parents were Jupiter and Latona and his twin sister was Diana.
Mythology of Apollo
There are many myths surrounding Apollo, all of them with great elements of adventure. Let’s explore the Greek versions of these myths. The Roman versions are almost identical, except for the names and locations. The central messages are the same.
Birth of Apollo
One of the most popular myths surrounding Apollo is the story of his birth. Apollo’s mother, Leto, was the goddess of motherhood. She seduced Zeus and became pregnant with twins. But Hera, Zeus‘ wife, was furious about the affair and made sure that Leto could not find shelter to give birth. Hera even prevented her own daughter, Eileithyia, from helping Leto give birth, as she was the goddess of childbirth. Zeus felt terrible for the pain and suffering Leto was going through and turned her into a quail so that she could find shelter.
Leto searched all over Greece until she found a small island known as Delos. Hera could not stop Leto from settling on the island, as the wind moved her and the waves moved her. Leto suffered for nine days and nine nights with terrible labor pains. On the tenth day, she went to a small lake and leaned against a palm tree. She unbuckled her belt and gave birth alone to Artemis, who was to become the Greek goddess of the hunt. But Artemis immediately took on a new role and assisted her mother in the birth of her brother Apollo. Because of this, she replaced Eileithyia and also became known as the goddess of childbirth.
The God of Music
There is a myth that tells why Apollo became the god of music. It begins by describing a python who lived on Mount Parnassus. He spread evil throughout the land and left an unpleasant odor wherever he went. He was also lethal, killing anyone who betrayed him. Apollo had just been born, but even at only four days old, he was strong and capable.
The blacksmith Hephaestus had given him a silver bow with golden arrows. Apollo wanted revenge on Python for all he had done to the Greeks, including chasing his mother while she was pregnant. Apollo went to Python’s cave. Upon entering, he was greeted by the monster who was already furious that the young man had come after him. It pounced on Apollo and tried to snatch him away, but Apollo was faster.
The Python
He shot an arrow at the python and pierced its forehead. The python screamed in pain so loudly that all of Greece heard it. It did all it could to save itself, but succumbed to its injury. Apollo was delighted to have saved the Greeks from the Python. He reached for his lyre and played a song of victory for all to hear. The song was so perfect that it earned him the title of god of music. When the song was finished, the young man took the body of his victim and buried it beneath the slopes of Mount Parnassus.
He also built the oracle of Delphi, which would become the most famous oracle in the country. Although he had rid himself of the dreaded Python, his actions were still considered a crime by the laws of Mount Olympus. Zeus punished him by ordering him to institute the Pythian Games at Delphi. There were athletic and musical competitions and even Apollo participated in some of them. The games were held every four years in honor of Apollo.
Sun God Family
Apollo’s family is a little different between the Roman and Greek versions. The Roman version has Jupiter and Latona as his parents (Jupiter is the Roman version of Zeus) and his twin sister is Diana instead of Artemis. The Roman version of him says that his sons are Asclepius, Orpheus, Trolius and Aristoeus. He never married, but had many lovers.
There are only a few descriptions of Apollo in literature, but they were detailed enough to give us a good idea of what he looked like. In artistic depictions of the god, he is shown as a handsome young man with golden hair. Unlike most male gods, Apollo has no beard and is usually shown with a wreath of laurel leaves on his head.
There are many symbols associated with Apollo, including bow and arrows, his musical instrument the lyre and a serpent, a tribute to his battle with the python. He is also associated with many symbols related to his headdress, including rays of light, a crown and laurel branches. All reflected in Greek mythology.